Che cos’è la fotografia per me? Parlare di se stessi non è mai facile, perlomeno per me.

E’ quella cosa che mi fa staccare la spina dalla quotidianità, permettendomi a volte di essere creativo. Cosa che non dobbiamo mai perdere..

Amo la natura, camminare nei boschi, arrampicarmi su una montagna, sentendo l’odore della pioggia oppure il rumore della neve soffice, ammirare i colori primaverili e il sorgere del sole…

….quindi credo che la risposta per me alla domanda iniziale sia : sentirmi libero!

Buona visione!

What is photography for me? Talking about myself is never easy, at least for me.

It is one thing that unplugs me from everyday life, sometimes allowing me to be creative. The thing we must not lose..

I love nature, walking in the woods or hiking the mountains, smelling the rain, hearing the sound of the soft snow and admiring the spring colours and the sunrise…

…so I think the answer for me to the original question is: just feel free!

Good vision!




Every experience leaves you with something, even if you do not notice it. It is not about memories, but sensations. I was lucky to spend a few days last summer at the Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides, in a particular period of emotional chaos.

Harris Shapes and Forms

There is a forest, in the north of Rome, almost undiscovered and perhaps for this very special to me. It is named Macchia Grande and can be reached by driving for an hour and a half in Viterbo countryside.

Intimate woodland

I started photographing years ago, as it was just a passion that would allow me to bring home memories of what I was living.

Tales of Abruzzo